Summer Lawn Care Tips
Summer is a great time for spending time with family, hosting get-togethers, and enjoying the outdoors. When you have family coming over, you of course want to put your best foot forward. That is why so many homeowners spend time and money on keeping their home at its best and getting roof repair or service when its necessary. However, when it comes to your lawn, many homeowners take a do-it-yourself approach to it. While this is great, the summer can be an especially taxing time on your lawn and surrounding greenery. How can you keep your lawn looking lush and enjoyable during the summer? At MDM Landscapes, we’ve put together a bit of advice on summer lawn care to help your lawn impress everyone who comes over.
Summer Lawn Maintenance
For lawns, summer really comes in three parts. This is early summer, middle of summer, and late summer, and each have different requirements for how to handle summer lawn care. An example of this is that summer lawn treatment for weeds should be earlier and late summer rather than middle of summer. The middle of summer is when the heat is hitting its peak, so the more you can avoid affecting the soil with chemicals and treatments can make it less difficult for your lawn to grow. Summer lawn food can be dispersed every six to eight weeks, with heavy emphasis on early summer feeding to strengthen your grass and help it grows. This is also the time you want to do what you can about summer lawn insects such as grubs and beetles. With all of this, you may wonder what about watering? Watering should be done consistently earlier in the day and should reach about 4 to 6 inches deep. Here in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX, the later in the day watering is done, the more likely that water will evaporate quickly and rarely reach the roots. To prevent this, you can consider a sprinkler system or an irrigation system. Finally, try to mow your grass a bit higher to encourage your grass to grow and take in the nutrients it needs.
Maintenance FAQ
- How do I make my grass green in the summer?: With time, effort, and correct summer lawn care, you can guarantee a healthy green lawn all summer. If you need additional care, it is always a great idea to contact your local lawn contractors at MDM Landscapes for service. We are always happy to offer you expert advice and quality treatment to keep your lawn looking amazing.
- Is it OK to fertilize your lawn in the summer?: Doing a heavy fertilizer to your lawn during the middle of summer or late summer is inadvisable. While feeding your lawn as we stated earlier can strengthen it and keep it healthy, a fertilization treatment can actually result in your lawn burning. It can compromise your lawns capability to grow.
- Is brown grass dead?: We have some good news for homeowners with brown grass: It might not be dead! Brown grass can be unsightly and may look like your whole lawn is dead. However, it may just be dormant, a state where your grass is alive but needs hydration. If you have brown grass, reduce the amount of traffic in this area to reduce damage and try watering it. If it does not restore in ten days, there may be a different issue at hand.
- Will watering dead grass bring it back?: Dead grass is very different from dormant grass. As stated in the previous question, there is a good chance if your lawn has gone brown that it may just be dormant. With quality summer lawn care and watering, you may be able to restore it to its lush state. However, if you are treating it and it is not coming back after ten days, contacting a lawn contractor is your next step.
Quality Lawn Care Services
Summer lawn care, while a little more intensive, does not have to be a hassle. Knowing the proper way to water and look after your grass can help you keep it looking its best all year round. Using these summer lawn care tips, you can handle most things that come your lawns way. However, there may be times when you come across a problem and are unsure how to handle it, such as a strange leafy plant in your yard or discoloration on your lawn. Looking for high quality and affordable landscape services in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX? MDM Landscapes is the one to call for your landscape needs, from trees to lawn care. Our expert lawn contractors can handle it all, giving you the lush lawn you need to impress anyone who drives by or visits. Get started on your lawn needs today when you dial 817-396-0125.