We Install and Repair Drainage and French Drains
At MDM Landscapes we are able to take care of any type of drainage or french drain installation or repair in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX that you may need. Call us at 817-396-0125 to set up an appointment.
Drainage of your yard is absolutely necessary for some locations. Accumulated water can have devastating effects on buildings and foundations, and many of these problems can be avoided altogether with adequate drainage.
We will work to assess the problems, including:
- Determining the source – Many times, it is clear where the source of the water is. It could be from a slope overlooking the property, or a depression where water can collect. Excess roof water with inadequate drainage can be a problem as well.
- Locate cables – It’s important to locate all buried utility and gas lines to avoid further damaging your property, and we will be sure to call the local utility providers and ensure the locations of every line in the vicinity before our shovels touch the dirt.
Let us help you by calling us for drainage and french drain installation and repair in the DFW.
Types of Drainage Systems
We want our clients to have choices, so that is why we are able to install and repair a few drainage systems for commercial properties, apartment complexes, and residential developments.
- Bog Planting – Plants are a wonderful solution for excess water in smaller amounts. There are a variety of decorative species that are adapted for bog conditions and will hold extra water without incident.
- Grassy Swale – A swale is a section of your yard which we carefully grade, or slope, to direct the flow of water. Swales aren’t generally obvious and will help water to dissipate across a wider area. Or to an area with designated “bog plants”.
Give us a call when you need drainage or french drain installation or repair in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX.
French Drain Services
A french drain is the most common drainage system for outdoors. Designs vary, but the underlying principle is the same in all french drains. A pipe is perforated along its entire length and buried in gravel, and then wrapped in some type of filter material to keep dirt and other particles from entering the system. The water will enter the french drain and be directed to a drain, rather than dispersed across the lawn.
If you’re experiencing water problems and are interested in drainage or french drain installation or repair in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX, please consider giving MDM Landscapes a call! We would be happy to help keep your lawn safe and dry with our lawn care services. Contact us at 817-396-0125 for our other landscaping services.